Liberty Grove to West

From the records of the lodge...

( continued )
The first officers were JN Young (WM), AW Russell (SW) , JM Griffin (JW), DC Carr (TRE) and HN Reese (SEC), JP Key (SD), RG Steel (JD) CP Lockwood (SS), DC Bellows (JS) and BN Young as Tiler.  Early records show that the lodge was comprised of twenty five charter members.

Proceedings of 1884 reveal that Liberty Grove Lodge No. 475 asked permission to change the name to West Lodge No. 475 and move to a new lodge hall in West, Texas.  It was also proposed that the lodge property be sold and the money applied as a payment on the new hall. provided security was first attested by the District Deputy Grand Master.  Permission was granted and the lodge was moved to the new quarters above the Palace Theater on South Main Street.  This structure was built by Brother Skinner of bricks obtained from the nearby West Brick Yard, and served as a meeting place until October 24, 1922 when it was destroyed by fire.

All records being lost, the lodge met on November 4, 1922, in temporary quarters, with a duplicate charter and a dispensation to meet in temporary quarters.  A committee composed of Bros DT Janes, CP Davis and JA West was elected to look into the matter of building or purchasing  a hall for a permanent home of the lodge.  April 5, 1923, the lodge met in the City Hall by special dispensation and accepted the proposition of the West Development Company to build a permanent lodge building that was then located across from City Hall on Oak Street.  On April 14, 1924 a special Summoned meeting was called for the purpose of raising funds for equipping the new hall; which was nearing completion.  The hall was ready for occupancy on April 19, 1924, at which time the first stated meeting was held in the new home.

Because of financial difficulties it was necessary to refinance the lodge indebtedness in 1932.  By September 1936, this indebtedness was paid off and a the deed to the building was presented to the members at a regular stated meeting.

During its 144 year history the lodge has been served by 115 Masters, all of whose pictures are displayed in the lodge hall.  The authors of this history, Bros. Wayland  Alexander, CB Morgan and CL Harris, Jr. concluded their history review with this note:  "As of June 24th, 1950 the membership increased from the original 25 charter members to 132 active members with petitions being received in increasing numbers."  It's has been another 71 years since that report was document and while West Lodge No.475 has been effected by wanning membership...West Lodge is still a strong  lodge, with almost 60 members and several pending petitions.  

by Ken Smotherman (Secretary)

I ran across this typewritten account titled "Brief History of West Lodge No. 475 AF&AM" in the back of a file drawer. I am not sure whether it was ever published or not, or even its original purpose. What I am sure of is that those...

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